Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Battle of San Romano” by Paolo Uccello, he devoted his life and paintings to to the study of linear perspective. This piece is beautiful in it’s own way, the energy, the color, the scenery, all of this makes me feel as if the painting was alive. The composition is very interesting because I feel as if one side of the painting represents “good” and they other side represents “evil”. One half of the painting is lighter; their weapons are white and vigorous. On the other side, it is much darker and their weapons are much smaller, and the soldiers are not as noticeable as the soldiers on the left.
What is most attracting to my eye is that all the horses and soldiers are painted with dark, gloomy colors, which I’m assuming because it’s a battle, except for the white horse in the very middle. I want to know why this horse was painted white of all horses. Because of the way the white horse is placed in the painting and the size compared to the other figures, I feel like this horse is significant. I noticed the background is almost a fixed vanishing point. It looks like a long row of soldiers and then your eyes are centered on mainly the white horse. I feel as if this white horse is sentimental in this battle, I think it’s because the white horse has more placement in the painting rather then the enemy, as well as more contrast with the other things in the painting. The other horse in the picture that seems grey, I depict it as being the evil side in which the white horse represents the good side. I am assuming this mostly because of color and the soldiers on the left side of the painting seems stronger and with more detail then the ones on the right. Their weapons are bigger and they are more noticeable in the painting than the other side. They have more detail and more contrasting colors.
Another thing I have noticed is the floor of this painting. There are many weapons and strange lines that lead your eye to certain things in the painting. Between the white horse and the black horse on the left, between the two white weapons there is a soldier that has no armor on and it looks as if he had just taken off his hat.  This is interesting to me because I don’t think I would have recognized it if it had not been more the obvious linear lines. Also, the background of this picture seems very particular with its lines as well. The pathway in the back also draws your eye to this solider on the white horse. The pathway on the left of it also draws your eye to the soldier with no armor on. This is important I feel like because I think Uccello wanted the viewer to look at these soldiers more then the others. This soldier and the main soldier’s faces seem as if they weren’t even fighting. Their faces are detailed with beauty instead of treachery and war-like. I don’t know why, but they certainly stand out more than the others. The hat placed on the white horse soldier is too very extraordinary. The detail in his hat makes me feel as if he is wealthy and very powerful, not like the other solders.  Even the wraps around all of the horses seem peculiar.
Overall, I believe this painting has a great composition. One side is more noticeable than the other, making me believe that I want to pay more attention to the side with more color and detail rather than the dark heavy side with not much to look at at all. The way the white horse takes over the picture really makes all the difference.  The scale of the characters and weapons are much bigger than the other side as well. The style of this painting is very unique and entertaining. Although there are some unknown answers about certain details in this painting I wish I knew, but generally this painting is beautiful. The color stands out and makes me feel the energy of this scene, possibly between good and evil. 


  1. I think you have a really good grasp on what this piece is about, and the formal elements that are used to create meaning. I also think the use of light and dark in this piece is very significant! It creates a clear distinction between right and left, as the depicted scene is almost symmetrical. Also the lines from the soldiers' weapons and the curving lines of the landscape help to move my eye around the piece.

  2. If you are curious there is a great description of this painting in the text. The man riding the white horse is a general, Niccolo da Tolentino and he was defending Florence from the Sienese... I imagine that would make them evil if you were from Florence! I'm glad that you pointed out the individual who has taken off their helmet during the charge... I had examined and enjoyed the painting but it IS very peculiar behavior. The artist did put the general in a very dashing hat during the same battle so perhaps the placement of the young mans helmet was more an aesthetic or compositional choice rather than historical or story driven.

  3. I really enjoy the use of color in this piece. I like how the artist does not use a heavy outline on the horses and figures but instead relies on a change in color to tell the viewer how they are shaped and detailed.
